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Easy Spooky2 Frequency Imprinting 76

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There are four ways to imprint frequencies into water using Spooky2. They are Spooky2 PEMF Coil, Spooky2 Cold Laser, Spooky2 Plasma and Spooky2 Scalar.

Spooky2 PEMF Coil

The reason why there’s a hole in the middle of Spooky2 Coil is that it gives the ability to implant frequencies into liquids. The hole is the right size for vials (small glass containers) to slide in. The idea is that people put medicine, tinctures, or even water, into a test tube or small container and place it in the coil which is resting flat on a table. They then run treatment frequencies on the contents of the bottle. After a while they stop the generator and drink the contents of the bottle.

People think this is a good way of getting frequencies into the body. They use frequencies that they would otherwise use on themselves.

Spooky2 Cold Laser

It’s very good to use Spooky2 Cold Laser to imprint frequencies. Possibly the best way would be using Spooky2 Cold Laser Wrist, because of the fact that it’s so large.
You can have a small glass of water. You can put it on the top of the water, so they can get the benefit of five cold lasers all working together with coherent light placing over the top. The cold laser is a very good way of applying frequencies into the water. It’s actually better than the coil, where it can take only something like 10seconds for the fast frequencies / the high frequencies. If you want to put lower frequencies into the water, you choose the treatment time over perhaps an hour to the very low frequencies.

For viewers who aren’t very familiar with imprinting frequencies into the water, the idea is you treat the water, and then you drink a small part of the water. And that’s the convenient way of applying the frequencies directly into your body internally.

Spooky2 Plasma

Generally speaking, it is better to imprint frequency from the generator. Plasma is a broad-spectrum transmission device. You can put a nice clean frequency into a plasma tube, and what you get out is a Smorgasbord of harmonics from the tube.

When you imprint frequencies into the water, generally, the idea is to put known frequencies into the water. If you are using your plasma, you are putting a whole lot of frequencies into the water. So it may or may not be what you want to do. So most people will use a coil or the Spooky2 cold laser to imprint frequencies.

However, Spooky2 Plasma is the most powerful tool you can use for very serious conditions. If you are currently treating yourself with Spooky2 Plasma, it may be a wonderful idea to have a vial of water nearby, and treat that whilst treating yourself with the plasma tube, and then between sessions, you can drink that water.

Spooky2 is wonderful for experimentation, and we get a lot of feedback from people for ideas, so this may be an idea where you can treat yourself with plasma during one session and then you can also treat yourself between sessions with water that has been imprinted with exactly the same frequencies that you have applied.

Spooky2 Scalar

One of the coolest things you can do with the Spooky2 Scalar has to do with structured water.

To perform this, you will need a source of water like bottled water. Turn on Spooky2 Scalar. Place the cup on the output coil located on the transmitter box. Then tune your Spooky2 Scalar accordingly. Leave the cup on the coil while you are doing Scalar treatment, such as pure scalar, molecular scalar and rife scalar.

Frequency Imprinting with Scalar

Related Blog:
Spooky2 Frequency Imprinting Q&A
Spooky PEMF Coil Q&A

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  1. Нi my loved one! I ԝish to say that thіs post
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    1. Thank you for your support! It’s our honor to help you.

    2. Seems very complicaties to work with.

      1. Hello Sonja, please don’t worry, if you encounter any problems in the operation of the welcome feel free to contact our email: [email protected], customer service team will help you to solve your problems.

      2. There is a lot of support from spooky2. I am new using spooky2 and I am amazed by the support they have.🙏

  2. Can tap water be used?

    Tarja Moilanen
    1. It can imprint frequencies as long as it is drinking water.

      1. Hello! Can you tell me how long the water remains effective please? TIA

        1. Dear Tom, Spooky2 suggests you consume imprinted water immediately for the best results. You can store your imprinted water for one week. Hope this suggestion helps you.

    2. Probably should never consume water that hasn’t been purified. Believe me im in the water cleaning business and most tapwater is contaminated and full of poison. It’s probably why people get sick in the first place.

      1. Dear friend, thanks for your sharing. Hope everyone will get rid of disease and have a healthy bod.

        1. Hello again. I’ve been doing some research and wondered if there was a guide anywhere online or in your knowledge base for the dosage and treatment using the water. Thanks again!

          1. Dear Tom, there is no limit for dosage. You can click this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nigxdfiSwQc, and watch an
            online training course to learn more about Spooky2 Frequency Imprinting. If you have other questions, please feel free to send us an email at [email protected]. Hope this suggestion may help you.

      2. Hi KCO. Would you be prepared for an anonymous interview about this?

        Cheers, Tom

        1. Dear Tom, if you have some questions when you use Spooky2, welcome to comment below or contact us at any time. Have a nice day.

  3. What about the Spooky radionics machine to imput the Spooky frequencies into water via the generator?
    I use this method. You imput would be appreciated.

    1. Yes, you can use Spooky2 radionics machine to imprint the Spooky frequencies into water.

    2. Can substances like epsom salt granulas be imprinted? What other things can be imprinted besides water and hographic stickers?

      1. Hi, if you ae interested in frequency imprinting, you e welcome to join the imprinting group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1932569943600142

      2. Hi, if you are interested in frequency imprinting, you e welcome to join the imprinting group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1932569943600142

  4. I have a question :
    How long can say the program in the water? …1 day ? 1 Week ? 1 Month ? More ? (Of course with care to protect the bottle from electromagnetic fields)

    Other question:
    If we don’t use the totality of programmed water and If we add distilled water to the water programmed with the spooky2..Can we consider that the new volume of water is informed by transmission of the natural information of the water ?

    1. 1. Place water in a glass container and run healing programs with no more than say 8 frequencies. High frequencies should restructure the water in one or two hours and very low frequencies like Schumman Resonance may take a day or two.
      2. We don’t recommend this. You can freeze the imprinted water to check whether there’s a difference.

      1. If we have an imprinted water, don’t you think with a refill of water and waiting a few hours to let the new water be informed thanks to the memory of the water, we well have a plain bottle of imprinted water?

        1. Hi, we do not think so. If you add a little new water, you can get imprint water through water memory. But if you have too much new water or try this way many times, the memory of the original water is not enough to support it to transform.

  5. Is imprinting water better used for say certain vitamins or things you want to add, or is it just as useful to do a candida or borrelia or other virus/bacteria killing frequency? What is the best recommended usage for imprinting?

    Linda Albertson
    1. Healing and killing frequency are both useful. Generally speaking, it is better to imprint from the generator. Plasma is a broad-spectrum transmission device. You can put a nice clean frequency into a plasma tube, and what you get out is a Smorgasbord of harmonics from the tube. When you imprint frequencies into the water, generally, the idea is to put known frequencies into the water. If you are using your plasma, you are putting a whole lot of frequencies into the water. So it may or may not be what you want to do. So most people will use coil or the Spooky2 cold laser to imprint frequencies.

      1. So if I get all the harmonics belonging to the frequency could it be damaging for myself. If I treat myself with plasma I’ll get all those harmonics of the frequncy too, right? In that case it could be a good additional treatment with plasma.

    2. You can imprint both – healing and killing frequencies. The concept is – water retains frequencies that it was exposed to. Meanwhile we also imprint frequencies (of any kind) into groceries (esp. the ones with high water content we consider very suitable for this) and even clothes – like scarves and such – one can tie around one’s belly or throat. From our experience it works.

      We started with several sips of plasma water maybe ca. 3x a day and then increased up to 1-2 litres stretched out through the day. It all depends on your herxheimer reaction and how strong results you’d like to achieve.

  6. Hi

    How many drops of imprinted water should one take and hold under tongue, and how many times per day please?

    1. Hi Gerald. We recommend you not drink too much in your daily life. 3 glasses are enough.

  7. So once the imprinted frequencies are done, how long will they last? The answer above was not clear. Do you sell the bottles to go with the unit? Thank you

    1. Suggest that you consume imprinted water immediately for best results, and within a week or less if stored. You can know more here: https://www.spooky2-mall.com/blog/spooky2-frequency-imprinting-q-and-a/ We don’t sell the bottles to go with the unit.

      1. In Homeopatic Radionics we start consuming the imprinted water right. If it is going to be stored, we prepared the water. We mix 80% water with 20% Colloidial Silver. Then we imprint the water. This process will prevent bacteria and germs from growing in the water. We seal it in a glass that will block the light. Cobalt blue and Amber glass are the best.

        Hector Alvarez
        1. Hi, Hector. Thanks for your kind sharing:)

  8. Is it possible to imprint the frequency also on oil or creme?

    1. Yes, you can. Medicine, tinctures or even water in a small container are most people use.

      1. Awesome! Thanks 🙂 A world of crazy ideas is appearing in front of me 🙂

        1. You are welcome:)

        2. I am interested to know if there are any videos that show what the water molecules look like before and after imprinting the water using any of these methods. I have been using Scalar. But, how could I prove scientifically that the process is effective? If someone asked me to prove it was real, how could I do that?

          1. Hello, this requires some precise equipment. Jaime made one video for convincing whether frequencies exist or not, share with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES5dlDyY1TA

  9. What is the benefit of it all?

    1. For viewers who aren’t very familiar with imprinting frequencies into the water, the idea is you treat the water, and then you drink a small part of the water. And that’s the convenient way of applying the frequencies directly into your body internally.

      1. That is a small vial for the pemf coil. Could you use a dropper and put a couple drops into new drinking water to imprint those frequencies into a whole glass and make the vial last longer? Like you would Bach flower remedies?

        Daniel craigie
        1. Dear Friend, for the inprinting frequency, you can refer to this blog to check the details:

        2. I don’t think this is possible as the information gets diluted but I might be wrong.
          But the healing concept in homeopathy is based on dilluting a certain type of information and then administering this information to the body.

          The only thing to surely test this is freezing a glass of the pure imprinted information and a glass of dilluted information and a glass of unprinted water and comparing their structure.

          I read in other places that Spooky doesn’t recommend adding unprinted water to the already imprinted water and dilluting it so to speak.
          But as I mentioned – information is information.

          Sonja Pokorna
  10. Yes I imprint every day on my Scalar all the hits i get and the essential oils i need.
    Works really good and everyone should have this feature in the arsenal.
    thank You Spooky2!

    1. We’re really happy about that!

    2. For how long do you imprint every frequency? We just imprint only 30 seconds with plasma as we have so many hits. It still seems to be doing a whole lot but it kinda still leaves me uncertain if 30 seconds are enough for the low frequencies. How were your experiences so far?

  11. This article gives no instruction on what settings to use, where to hook up whichever contact you’re using, how to set it up at all. Is there somewhere else I can find this information or is information only offered as questions are asked?

    1. Hi, Anna. You can imprint the healing frequencies you want. Bottles of water hooked to PEMF Coil or put cold laser on the top of the water or near Plasma. You can search imprinting information QA here: https://bit.ly/2V8Q9cD Learn to use Spooky2 Scalar imprint water here: https://bit.ly/2OCYy5v

      1. Can you drink the imprinting water or tincture during chemo week.

        1. Hi, imprinting water is ok but for tincture, it is better to consult your doctor.

        2. Hi Anita, imprinting water is ok but for tincture, it is better to consult your doctor.

  12. Hello whats this for iteme, looks like a laptop. Have you a Link for this iteme ?

    1. Hi, this is Spooky2 scalar and please check this link for it: https://www.spooky2scalar.com/product/spooky2-scalar/

  13. I mean the second picture with the LCD Display. I not find this iteme in your Product!

  14. Why does it take so long to imprint the water..I was instructed a while ago to imprint for 20 minutes…then 10 minutes…why do different frequencies take longer?

  15. Hi, Raymond, sorry that we didn’t hear this before and we have programs for Vitamin C in our software and you can imprint it into water.

  16. This is also why I can hardly wait for the ultrasonic accessory to be available! Using audio for imprinting and other specific healing! Many people do not know about audio “rife” or enjoyed of it’s type of effect.

    1. Thanks for your trust.

  17. Would you be able to use this to imprint onto crystals/stones if you did it for a longer period?

    1. Hi, yes, of course you can. You can have a further discussion in our Spooky2Rife group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2

  18. I assume i can imprint the HHO water from my aquacure/ browns gas electrolyzer. Otherwise, distilled water would be the best water to treat am i correct! For that matter can i imprint the actual gas produced (HHO) from my electrolyzer while breathing?

    1. Hi, please feel free to contact our customer service at [email protected], our technical staff will give you much more professional advice and reply to you ASAP:)

  19. I recently discovered structured water so I was excited when I saw spooky2 can imprint! Is it possible to restructure say tap water with frequency just to get the best be if it’s from water it’s self?


  20. Hi Spooky team, I’m wondering if putting TENS pads on two sides of a glass bottle can imprint the water inside it? I see conflicting opinions about this on the Facebook groups (Rife for Life and Imprinting group), so would like to clarify. Thanks@

    1. Dear Sharon, some of our customers often explore new ways of using Spooky2 products, and share their feelings on Spooky2 Facebook groups. However, we suggest our customers use PEMF mode or Cold Laser mode to imprint the water. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact our email: [email protected].

    2. Imprinted waterproof holographic stickers will last a little longer try it on glass jug let water sit 1hr and drink… I’m lactose intolerant and had a nice rotisserie chicken within 10min my stomach was screaming like Tarzan lol I grabbed my jub with pain frequencies and frank 18oz within 8min pain was gone . Never ever has that happened usually I’m on the toilet 🚻 2hrs.

      Good luck

      1. Your support and recognition are our momentum to go forward. Thank you. Blessings 🙂
        We truly appreciate your message and the trust you have placed in us during this challenging time. Have a happy day

  21. Hello team,
    if I imprint holographic tape and use it as bracelet – how long are frequencies active – how long can I use it?

    1. Hi Ivana, Imprinted holographic stickers can last for a very long time. They can last as long as they do not get wet, worn out, or exposed to the sun and strong magnetic fields. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by email: [email protected].

  22. When doing an imprint using remote how long is it good for? What do u need to keep it away from? I seen ppl using holographic paper bracelets m thinking of doing it too just need to know more thank you

    Karla Gonzalez
    1. Hi Karla, imprinted holographic stickers can last for a very long time. They can last as long as they do not get wet, worn out, or exposed to the sun and strong magnetic fields. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by email: [email protected].

  23. Hello Love all you guys, I imprinted on Holographic sticky paper. Only put edge in and since the whole paper is made with 20-30nano mm of silver the pain frequency stayed on ☺️

    Then I cut a strop put it on a Glas Jug put water in it after one hour the frequency seem to transfer to the water I can drink and kill pain from inside 🙏. I even freezer with sticker glass and without and you definitely can see the long lines of Frequencies I downloaded. Thank You John for an amazing machine 👏 ❤️ 528Hz

    1. Hi there! Thank you so much for sharing this. Your support and recognition are our momentum to go forward. Thank you. Blessings :)Have a happy day.

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