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How to Convert Molecular Weight to Frequency and Run It in Spooky2 Software 41

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This instruction will show you how to convert the known molecular weight to frequency and run it in Spooky2 software.

Firstly, find the Molecular Weight of the substance.
You can find the Molecular Weight on this website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pccompound/. For example, the Molecular Weight of Vitamin B17 is 457.432 g/mol.

Secondly, create a program for the Molecular Weight.
1. Open Spooky2 software. Choose Create Program in the File Menu.

2. Enter the Information: Program Name, Frequencies and Program Description. Please notice that in the Frequencies Pane, you should type M first, then enter the Molecular Weight after it, for example: M457.432.

3. Click the Save button to save the program.

Thirdly, run the Molecular Weight Program in the Spooky2 software.
We recommend using specific MW Shell Presets for all the Molecular Weight programs. If you use Spooky2 Remote, you can choose MW Emulate or MW Remove. Then go to the Programs tab to search the MW program you just created. And go to Control tab to start it. Spooky2 will automatically convert the Molecular Weight into a frequency.

Before choosing the suitable MW Shell Preset, please have a check with their Notes area.

MW Emulate: The preset has been designed to emulate (copy the function of) substances within the Spooky2 MW database. Select this preset, then select the substances you wish to emulate.

MW Remove: The preset has been designed to disable substances. Select this preset, then select the substances you wish to disable.

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  1. By what algorithm are you calculating frequency from molecular weight?

    1. You can see in the ‘System’ Tab, bottom right.

  2. Thank You for thank You for the info, My medicine cost me $42, 000 Dollars a year. I have some stored but good to know that i can use the MW for an emergency.
    sincerely, Lazaro Michael Gonzalez

    1. I’m glad that this blog helps you. Learn more about MW here: https://www.spooky2-mall.com/blog/molecular-weight-q-and-a/

  3. #Atom Molar Mass (MM) Subtotal Mass % Subtotal Mass g/moll
    (g/mol) (%) (g/mol)
    20 C 12.01 52.51 240.21
    27 H 1.01 5.95 27.21
    1 N 14.01 3.06 14.01
    11 O 16.00 38.47 175.99

  4. Thank you for using Amygadalin as the example. The establishment tries so hard to crack down on Laetrile for cancer treatment. Spooky2 offers a wonderful alternative, in fact, to many substances they try to ban.

    1. Thanks for your support:)

  5. Fantastic information! Thank you for sharing this link.

    1. Hi, thanks for your support and affirmation! And so glad that this blog can be helpful for you:)🥰

  6. I do not understand how the MW frequency works. It is explained that the frequency is derived from the molar mass. But there are many molecules that can have the same molar mass, that is, the same mass per mole. Some examples are:

    Ethanol (C2H5OH) and dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3) both have a molar mass of 46.07 g/mol.
    Acetic acid (CH3COOH) and propionitrile (CH3CH2CN) both have a molar mass of 74.08 g/mol.
    Ethylene glycol (HOCH2CH2OH) and propan-1,2-diol (CH3CH(OH)CH2OH) both have a molar mass of 76.09 g/mol.
    Cyclohexane (C6H12) and hexafluorobenzene (C6F6) both have a molar mass of 84.11 g/mol.
    Pentan-1-ol (CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH) and diethyl ether (CH3CH2OCH2CH3) both have a molar mass of 88.15 g/mol.

    Molar mass is not necessarily the unique signature of a molecule, so why use this mass to infer a frequency?

    1. I would like to see and answer for this also, very good point.

    2. Thank you for your insightful question, Elie! You’ve highlighted a crucial issue with using molecular weight to determine frequencies. At Spooky2, we understand that molecules with the same molecular weight can have vastly different structures and functions, affecting their spectral properties.

      To address this, we use a sophisticated method that considers molecular structure, electron configuration, and spectral data, allowing us to accurately set frequencies for specific therapeutic and experimental purposes. Our commitment to enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of our technology is ongoing, and we continuously refine our approach based on scientific research and customer feedback.

      We also invite you to join the Spooky2 forum, a valuable resource for advanced users, software designers, and developers. It’s a great place to share experiences, ask questions, and connect with others interested in the scientific and practical applications of our technology.

      Thank you again for your question, and we hope our response has been helpful. If you need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  7. Thank you. Its pretty amazing information. I have use certain settings on pain patients with great success so far.

    +Dr. Karl Buchanan
    1. Dear Dr. Karl Buchanan, thank you so much for your feedback and kindness. We are glad to hear such good news!

  8. Hi,
    Thank you for these steps and video.
    Have a blonde question regarding the molecular weight.
    In pubchem site they do not publish 3 digits anymore, it is one digit only for all the substances; for vitamin B17 the MW is now 457.4 g/mol (https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/656516) . Checked some other substances and only 1 digit is there. It seems some accuracy is not there anymore.
    Then I was checking other sites, like ChEBI from UK, the MW for Vitamin B17 there is 457.429 g/mol (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/searchId.do?chebiId=CHEBI:17019).
    In Wikidata the mass is 457.158411 g/mol (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q410215)
    Could someone please explain why these numbers differ? Is this normal? And where to find the most accurate data lately? How does this affect the correctness of frequencies?
    Thank you in advance, Polona

    1. Dear Polona, thank you very much for sharing, our example for this content is to teach customers how to use this in Spooky2. For the differences in the data provided by each official website, which may be affected by the environment they are doing the experiment or other factors, you can contact these official websites to find the answer. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email: [email protected].

  9. I ref: Elie February 27, 2023
    Can you point me to the papers/studies on how molar weight translates into it’s resonant frequency? Wonderful concept but I have doubts. Very eager to learn.

    Anthony Jones
    1. Dear Anthony, Thank you very much for your support! You can see if this essay answers some of your questions: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6648323/. And you can also go to your local library or authoritative academic websites to find information about the paper, and we are also looking forward to your feedback. Feel free to contact us at: [email protected] with any questions.

  10. What does molecular weight mean? I am on blood pressure medication so if i run the MW FOR ramapril i can run through program

    1. Dear Friends, we have molecular weight frequencies for over 8,000 medicines, essential oils, vitamins and minerals. You can run these frequencies to achieve the effects of these substances, and you can learn more about them in this blog: https://www.spooky2-mall.com/blog/molecular-weight-frequencies/. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at our email: [email protected].

  11. Bye,
    How can we recharge a frequency of herbs that is not in the database?We tried this with the herb ‘Huang Qi’ by putting it in a bottle and sticking the tens pads around it, but the frequency we then get and recharge has a bad effect, we tested this on 6 people and everyone was tired, sick, as if we had the flu? What are we doing wrong?


    1. Dear Anja, this is most likely a Herx reaction when you use the frequency, have you been drinking more water while using it to help you detox? This blog will help you learn more about the Herx reaction: https://www.spooky2-mall.com/blog/what-is-herxheimer-reaction/. Any questions, feel free to contact us via email: [email protected].

  12. I made a custom MW program for EDTA based on a Pubchem weight of 292.24 g/mol and ran it for the first time this evening for 6 minutes. I was just guessing at the duration I should run it. I used the Shell (Empty)/Remote/MW Emulate – JW Preset. WebMD states that it is unsafe to take more than 3 grams/day of EDTA. The problem is, I don’t know the rate at which it goes in by frequency, since I don’t have that formula. Is there a way I can calculate this?

    Sidney J Root
    1. Hello Sidney, in general, duration and frequency depend on the intended use and individual responses rather than a direct correlation with chemical dosage. It’s often best to start with shorter sessions and observe the effects, adjusting as needed based on your responses. For more precise guidance and to share your experiences, I encourage you to join discussions on our Spooky2 forum where many experienced users and developers can provide insights and suggestions based on similar applications. https://www.spooky2.com/forums/index.php Thank you again for your question. Please let us know how you proceed and if there is anything more we can help with.

  13. Your answer is much appreciated. Is it correct to run my custom EDTA program by “MW Emulate”? Another question, We like a deeper effect than running certain custom programs always by remote, one of which includes detox programs for heavy metals, plastics and pesticides (I couldn’t find a specific program for chlormequat in Spooky2), so we sometimes run them through scalar. Is this ok? I have a custom program called “NWO Toxins” that includes Cesium, which is a Spooky2 program. I hope that this is a removal program, not an add program. There is no explanation in the programs tab for this.

    Sidney J Root
    1. Hi Sidney,

      Thank you for your questions!
      1. Running your custom EDTA program by “MW Emulate”: Yes, it is correct to use “MW Emulate” to run your custom EDTA program. This feature is designed to convert molecular weight into frequencies, allowing you to create custom programs based on the molecular properties of substances like EDTA.
      2. Running custom programs through Scalar for deeper effects: Running detox programs for heavy metals, plastics, and pesticides through Scalar is a great approach for achieving deeper effects. Scalar energy can enhance the efficacy of these programs by penetrating deeper into the body’s tissues.
      3. You could choose Spooky2\Preset Collections\Shell (Empty) Presets\Remote\MW Remove (R)- JW to run the “NWO Toxins” progeam. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! 🙂

      1. Wow, you were great and spot-on! I immensely appreciate this. Can I ask who you are? You can give me a quick personal email reply. Also, soon I’ll send another new email in hopes that it gets to John White, like the previous ones I sent. In the emails, I always include new concerns that I think he and Dr. McGraw should be made aware of, as well as good questions, not basic ones. And I always include new thoughts on the link between frequency therapy and my practice of Source Truth, which I hope they comment on.

        My set of two books will be published soon, and in each one there is a chapter devoted to Spooky2, frequency therapy, and my concerns, issues, and experiences with them. The main title of both books is “A Source Player’s Guide to Escaping the AI Singularity/New World Order: Maintaining Your Sovereignty and Winning this Illusionary Matrix Game.” They each have their own subtitiles: Part 1 – “Source Players and Source Truth vs. BeLIEfs” and Part 2 – “NWO, Cabal, and Plandemic History and Politics.”

        Sidney J Root
  14. Just to clarify my final question in my last posting, I have a custom program called “NWO Toxins” that includes CESIUM, which is a Spooky2 program. I hope that this is a “removal” program, not an “add” program. There is no explanation in the programs tab for this. I don’t want to add cesium to my body.

    Your reply was great and spot-on! I immensely appreciate this. Can I ask who you are? You can give me a quick personal email reply. Also, soon I’ll send another new email in hopes that it gets to John White, like the previous ones I sent. In the emails, I always include new concerns that I think he and Dr. McGraw should be made aware of, as well as good questions, not basic ones. And I always include new thoughts on the link between frequency therapy and my practice of Source Truth, which I hope they comment on.

    My set of two books will be published soon, and in each one there is a chapter devoted to Spooky2, frequency therapy, and my concerns, issues, and experiences with them. The main title of both books is “A Source Player’s Guide to Escaping the AI Singularity/New World Order: Maintaining Your Sovereignty and Winning this Illusionary Matrix Game.” They each have their own subtitiles: Part 1 – “Source Players and Source Truth vs. BeLIEfs” and Part 2 – “NWO, Cabal, and Plandemic History and Politics.”

    Sidney J Root
  15. Your answer 3. in your previous reply, “You could choose Spooky2\Preset Collections\Shell (Empty) Presets\Remote\MW Remove (R)- JW to run the ‘NWO Toxins’ progeam,” has me a little confused. I have a large custom “package” program, sort of a daily run wellness collection, that contains frequencies that I want to “add,” that has some (MW) items, but I always run the entire package by Presets – Shell (Empty) Presets/Remote/Healing (R) – JW. Conversely, I have the NWO Toxins package, that also contains some (MW) programs, that I always run by Shell (Empty) Presets/Remote/Kill or Heal (R) – DH.

    Should I continue to run them my way or should I at least change the Preset for the NWO Toxins package to MW Remove (R)? Is it ok that there are some non-MW programs inside the overall custom package when running MW Remove (R)? On the flip side, is it ok to run Preset Kill or Heal (R) – DH for some of the programs inside the custom package that are (MW) programs? What about my Cesium question? Is it a “Removal” or an “Add” program?

    Sidney J Root
    1. Hello, Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad my previous response was helpful. Regarding your questions:
      Who I am: I am a representative of the Spooky2 support team, here to assist you with your queries. Unfortunately, I can’t provide personal email replies, but I’m happy to help you here.
      John White and Dr. McGraw: Please feel free to send your emails with your concerns and questions. They appreciate insightful queries and thoughts on frequency therapy and your practice of Source Truth.
      NWO Toxins Program: The “NWO Toxins” program, including CESIUM, is designed as a removal program, not an addition. You don’t need to worry about adding cesium to your body with this program.
      Preset Recommendations:
      For Custom Programs with MW Items: If your custom wellness package contains frequencies you want to add, running it with Presets – Shell (Empty) Presets/Remote/Healing (R) – JW is appropriate.
      For NWO Toxins Package: Since it includes some MW (Molecular Weight) programs meant for removal, using Shell (Empty) Presets/Remote/MW Remove (R) – JW is recommended.
      Mixing MW and Non-MW Programs: It’s generally fine to have non-MW programs in your custom package when running MW Remove (R). The same applies when running Preset Kill or Heal (R) – DH for some programs that are MW.
      To clarify:
      MW Remove (R): Use for removing molecular toxins.
      Kill or Heal (R) – DH: Use for general detox or healing, suitable for both MW and non-MW programs depending on your needs.
      If you have further questions, please let me know. I wish you all the best with your upcoming books and your continued practice of Source Truth.

  16. Another question, please. There is a Blood Cleanser Cancer (XTRA) 21 min in the Programs tab, which I assume can be run via remote or contact. I wonder which program, this one or the Microgen Blood Purifier, is better to routinely run just for general wellness, not cancer.

    Sidney J Root
  17. Great replies. Thank you so much. Since you’re so crazy-good with the answers, I hope you don’t mind me asking more
    1) Regarding two substances that I think could be part of my regular “removal” programs. I want to place Fluorine f (XTRA), Fluorine (BIO), and Chlorine (BIO) in my “NWO Toxins Removal” package, but Spooky2 software seems to refer to them as rescue treatments for when someone has fluorine or chlorine poisoning.
    I’m a conspiracist at heart and believe that The Powers That Be continually put these sort of harmful chemicals in our water, food, air, and whatever other way they can. Fluoridated toothpaste shouldn’t be used. So, what I’m asking is, do you think I can run these as part of my remote toxins removal routine?
    2) When I selected Shell (Empty)/Plasma/Spooky Plasma Advanced Presets, then searched “infrared” in Programs tab, I found “Infrared Injury Healing MAT General Injury 30 mins.” In this case, does the phanotron tube emit infrared light for healing a wound?
    3) Since leukemia is a whole-body cancer, is the long straight tube better for this than the phanotron?
    4) I know how to save BFB frequencies, but where do I find saved Reverse Lookup results? MS Word document?
    5) I might someday use scalar BFB for finding specific cancer frequencies to load for plasma killing (cancer, bacteria, viruses, parasites), but also to find frequencies for known symptoms (pain, inflammation, detox). Dr. McGraw says, “When using scalar BFB, use 0.15% tolerance for general analysis Reverse Lookup, and 0.25% for broadening the results to search for all lesser important detox and healing frequencies.” So, setting the scan at 0.25% is increasing the sensitivity?
    6) Microgen Frequency Specific Microcurrents (FSM) – healing for reducing pain and inflammation, and I think also to be used for DETOX (gold TENS cable- low), correct?
    7) Which one is better to use for routine non-cancer general wellness – Microgen Blood Purifier or, in the Programs tab – Blood Cleanser Cancer (XTRA), which I assume can be run via remote or contact?

    Sidney J Root
    1. Thank you for your detailed questions! I’ll do my best to answer each one:

      1. Regarding Fluorine and Chlorine in Toxin Removal Programs:
      The Spooky2 software lists Fluorine (XTRA), Fluorine (BIO), and Chlorine (BIO) as treatments for poisoning because they are designed to help detoxify these specific substances from the body. However, if you believe in ongoing exposure to these toxins and want to include them in your regular detox routine, you can certainly do so. Running these programs via the Spooky2 Remote for toxin removal aligns with your concerns about continuous exposure to harmful chemicals.

      2. Infrared Injury Healing with Phanotron Tube:
      The “Infrared Injury Healing MAT General Injury 30 mins” program utilizes frequencies associated with infrared healing, but the Phanotron tube itself does not emit infrared light. Instead, it emits plasma frequencies that resonate with the infrared spectrum to promote healing.

      3. Leukemia Treatment with Plasma Tubes:
      For whole-body conditions like leukemia, the long straight tube is often preferred because it can cover a larger area more evenly. The Phanotron tube is typically used for localized treatments.

      4. Finding Saved Reverse Lookup Results:
      Reverse Lookup results are saved within the Spooky2 software. To locate them, go to the Results tab in the software, where you can view and export them. If you export them, you can choose to save them as a text file or copy them into an MS Word document.

      5. Scalar BFB and Tolerance Settings:
      Setting the scan tolerance at 0.25% increases the range of frequencies being analyzed, thus broadening the results to include more frequencies related to detox and healing. This is useful for general analysis and identifying a wider range of potential issues.

      6. Microgen FSM for Pain, Inflammation, and Detox:
      Yes, Microgen Frequency Specific Microcurrents (FSM) are effective for reducing pain and inflammation, and can also be used for detox purposes. Using the gold TENS cable at a low setting is correct for these treatments.

      7. Routine Non-Cancer General Wellness:
      For routine general wellness, you might find the Microgen Blood Purifier to be more suitable. The “Blood Cleanser Cancer (XTRA)” program is specifically designed for cancer-related treatments and might be more intensive than necessary for general wellness. Both can be run via remote or contact, but the Microgen Blood Purifier is tailored for overall health maintenance without the focus on cancer.
      I hope this helps! If you have any further questions or need more details, feel free to ask.

  18. Fantastic answers again. Thank you. I am making a compilation of all this Q & A for my future reference. I have more questions, if you don’t mind.

    1. Question: Can I set a glass container of a supplement on the scalar receiver coil that has a plastic top and/or rubber dropper top? My friend transfers liquid supplements into small glass vials with cork tops, says they’re safer for transferring the energy into the Tesla scalar field.
    2. We bought two MiraMate kits that have the full-size mat and the Mini Magic, one kit for us and one for Grandma in Foshan, Guangdong, China, but she refused to use it, so we’re trying to sell that one on eBay. Is the warranty transferrable to another owner?
    3. My friend recommends running these Spooky2 programs: Malic Acid (adding this, good for me) and Glyphosate (removing this, bad for me). Once again, I encounter no adequate explanations in the information box under the Programs tab when I bring them up in the search bar. There are no user-friendly explanations, such as “This is a removal program” or “This is an add program.” Why not? What use is it to know atomic structure? Can I use the remote or contact Preset – Kill or Heal – DH to remove Glyphosate and to add Malic Acid? It gets a little annoying to have to ask whether each program is “Add” or “Remove”.

    Sidney J Root
    1. Hello friend
      A1:You can set a glass container of a supplement on the scalar receiver coil that has a plastic top and/or rubber dropper top.
      A2:If you are trying to sell that one on eBay, you can contact our customer service email:[email protected], they could help you.Don’t worry.
      A3:You can enter “MW” in the preset tab search. You can choose either contact or remote mode to run. MW Emulate is for adding, and MW Remove is for removing.
      Have a nice day.

      1. I will proceed as you advise, thank you.

        Sidney J Root
        1. You’re welcome! I’m glad to hear that. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

  19. More questions, since you are on such a great roll with your answers:
    In Presets tab, Plastic Detox 25 (R) – BY, in Notes, it says, “Title: Plastic Detox – Staphylococcus Epidermidis + Bisphenol A (Prostate Cancer) + Phthalates. Description: S. Epidermidis creates a biofilm that holds onto plastics, the Bisphenol A frequency destroys this biofilm. Best to follow with large amounts of Malic Acid and some NAC. Note: The frequency for Bisphenol A is originally from Jeff Sutherland’s (spelling) site. I believe he stumbled onto the frequency for this biofilm left behind when Staphylococcus Epidermidis digests plastics and implements them into their biofilm. Avian Virus: None seems to be able to stay in the human body without this biofilm.
    Questions: 1A. I’m confused. Do they mean adding Bisphenol A to destroy this biofilm? I thought that BPA is a harmful component of plastics. I run removal of BPA as part of my plastics detox programs – Bisphenol A (XTRA), Plastics Detox (XTRA), and Detox Plastics 2 (XTRA).
    1B. Should I run this Plastic Detox 25 (R) together with my other plastics detox programs?
    1C. I find mention of Avian Virus here and there in Spooky2. That’s projected to be the next big Plandemic. It looks like you guys already know this…interesting.
    2. In Presets tab, Silicone detox 20 GX (R) – BY, there seems to be no Contact mode for this program, but that’s ok. Interesting item under NOTE: Chemtrails: “See Silicone ‘Smart Dust’, powdered Silicone material that you breathe into your lungs contains small fibers.” There is a 30 min Smart Dust (XTRA) program. Should I run this regularly? I’m assuming that Silicone detox and Smart Dust are removal programs, but I’ll run them by MW Remove Preset just to be sure.
    3. Another Presets tab program that I will probably add to the detox list to run – GMO Detox 23 GX (R) – BY. Interesting notes about it. “GMO foods supply two weapons, Prions and DNA to alter gut flora. Causes extrapyramidal system disorder, may need to treat Tellurium after with Tell-Met (what is this?) and/or cilantro. GMO DNA makes alternate DNA available to gut flora, ends in cerebral developmental disorders.” I suppose treating with “Tell-Met” is for severe toxicity cases.
    A Google search of Tellurium shows that it is one of the rarest elements on earth and that it is mildly toxic. Once again, there are no notes about it when you type it into the search bar in the Programs tab. I assume that the 3-minute program that you find is a removal program. If it’s so rare, I wonder if I should run this program in my regular detox bundle. If I do, I will use MW Remove, as you advise.

    Sidney J Root
    1. Hello
      Thank you so much for your support and your insightful questions. I appreciate your engagement with the presets.
      To get the best guidance, I recommend contacting the official Spooky2 customer service team email:[email protected]
      They can provide detailed instructions, troubleshooting help, and personalized support.
      And our support website is a great resource for any questions you may have. Feel free to explore and search for information you need. The website address is as follows:https://www.spooky2support.com/hc/en-us
      Have a good day!

  20. Where to find or how to calulate MW for herbs?
    Is there similar site as for the drugs :https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pccompound/?term=amygdalin ?

    1. Hello friend, here it is:https://www.ebi.ac.uk/. I also recommend contacting the official Spooky2 customer service team email:[email protected]
      They can provide detailed instructions, troubleshooting help, and personalized support.

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